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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Meditate and take time to appreciate nature. Make quiet time in your life. That means, leave your phone at home, go sit in the forest, the beach, anywhere actually you can let your mind go. Let your thoughts ramble on, and don't judge them.
I learned form one of my favorite yoga instructors, Krishna Prema, to say, "That's an interesting thought, I wonder what other interesting thoughts there are...". Acknowledging the thoughts, let them go, eventually the mind will be quiet, and  rest. It is interesting, being there in a space of quiet inner calmness and clarity. When there are no longer thoughts streaming chaotically through your mind. You will be at a place to think on life, and anything you feel that would be beneficial. Listen to your your soul.
Your soul knows what's good for you. I personally believe, body, mind, and soul are one. I am a complete being, and I need to take time to pull it all in, tie it together. Grounding, and balancing one's self is empowering. I have learned and am always in the process of learning.
I don't consider myself a guru or anything. But I write to anyone, searching or wondering how to do maybe what I have experienced. I realize that it is an ongoing process of life learning experiences. I know it seems at first, it is hard (why?!) to "unplug". We all need a break from technology and noise. People can wait, business can wait. Bottom line, nothing catastrophic will happen if you don't answer the phone for 1/2 an hour. But, you will reap the benefits of taking care of yourself first.

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